Sleep Pattern Disturbance as time limited disruption of sleep (natural, periodic suspension of consciousness), amount, and quality.
Sleep Pattern Disturbance Related To :
- Depression
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Fear of insomnia
- Fatigue
- Inadequate sleep hygiene
- Biochemical agents
- Nightmares
- Obsession thoughts
- Fears (e.g., dark, intrusion,death)
- Adrenaline rush related to high levels of anxiety
- Panic attacks
As Evidenced By
- Early morning awakenings
- Arising earlier or later than desired
- Verbal complaints of difficulty falling asleep
- Verbal complaints of not feeling well-rested
- Three or more nighttime awakenings
- Decreased ability to function
- Develops an uninterrupted sleep pattern 5 to 8 hours per night
- Reports feelings of being rejuvenated after sleep
- Establishes an effective sleep routine
Client will:
- State he/she begins to see improvement in quality of sleep and pattern of sleep after 2 weeks
- State that the relaxation exercises (tapes) are useful sleep aids by (date)
- Work with nurse to review and revise plan if sleep pattern has not improved after 2 weeks
Client will:
- Identify personal habits that disrupt sleep pattern and those things that could augment quality of sleep after first interview
- Form a “sleep plan” with nurse that the client is willing to try within 2 days
- Identify any other issues that might need attention that are contributing to sleep pattern disturbance, and be open for referrals