This Teen's Simple Invention Will Help Keep Seniors With Alzheimer's More Safe

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#1 A constant problem

There are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer's disease and 60% of them eventually wander off. This situation was something Kenneth Shinozuka got to see from a very young age. His grandfather, pictured here with him, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's when Kenneth was 4 years old. Kenneth's grandfather even made it to the freeway one time and was brought back to his house by police officers.

#2 His solution

This problem inspired him to search for a solution. Kenneth used a small sensor and a transmitter and was able to keep track of his grandfather's whereabouts using his smartphone.

#3 How it works

It is a sensor that measures pressure and will immediately trigger an alarm if the user starts walking.

#4 Promising

The device is being tested among the seniors who live at Irvine Cottages. Kenneth wishes to help millions of people like his grandfather with this invention. He was recently awarded the "Science in Action" award from Scientific American magazine.

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