Girl writes open letter to Crohn’s disease to show the realities of living with IBD

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One young woman has taken to her blog to speak of the realities of living with Crohn’s disease.
People are raising awareness for Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week (Dec 1 to Dec 7) by posting something about their illness every day for seven days. The week is currently known as ‘seven days of IBD’.
Deciding to write an open letter to the disease itself, Jenna Farmer, a qualified Nutritional Therapist and the founder of, has written a letter which represents the painful truths of living with a chronic illness.
Jenna was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in December 2013, after suffering with symptoms for 10 years.
The letter comes right after a year of being medication free, when Jenna experienced a fistula problem – something very common in Crohn’s patients.

She wrote:

For another fistula problem that you’ve caused me.
Who am I to let an op stand in the way of a good blog post? After all, it’s Crohn’s and Colitis awareness week and the whole point of this week is to show the awareness of the good and the bad.
The exact point of 7 Days of IBD is to show what you can do to people. That one day a patient can be feeling completely fine and the next day (literally in my case) they’re sat with a surgeon wondering what the hell went wrong.
That’s what makes this disease so difficult for many of us to live with: we literally don’t know whether our day will begin with a smile but end in agony.
(Picture: Crohn's & Colitis UK)
(Picture: Crohn’s & Colitis UK)

Jenna goes on to talk about the other effects that IBD causes. Such as chronic fatigue and abdominal pain, alongside the worry of whether a stomach cramp is the beginning of another flare up.

She talks about the psychological effects that also accompany the physical.You’ve also leeched into our heads. Our hearts race every time we get blood results.

Our palms sweat everytime we await the phone call from a doctor. When we’re well we can only fret about when you will visit us again and when you’re there our brains become a mix of worry, guilt, anxiety and confusion.
You’ve taught us to expect the worse scenario so that every time a doctor pauses, we’re expecting him to deliver a killer blow (I can’t tell you how many time I’ve listened to a long pause, my heart in my mouth only for the doctor to say ‘hang on a second, I just need to refresh that page.)
We’re always wondering in the back of our mind whether we can ever get rid of you for good.
The mental descriptions are followed by Jenna’s many hospital trips, and everything she feels Crohn’s attempts to take away from her.

But she’s determined not to give in.

Some people say that I’m really brave but there are plenty of patients like me refusing to give into you too. Patients who are determined to have careers that they love and not give in to your demands to lay at home in bed.
Patients like me who are intent on travelling the world even if they have to take their medication/colostomy bag/can’t wait card/gluten free foods/cleaning supplies along the way.
And their are patients who are just too sick to do any of those things but are still refusing to let you define them.
(Picture: Jenna Farmer)
(Picture: Jenna Farmer)
She goes on to finish her letter with what she feels 7 days of IBD is all about.
Sure we want to raise awareness of your symptoms, your treatments and how more and more people are effected by you. Yet, it also goes beyond statistics and facts: it’s about highlighting the lives of real people who are all fighting in their own way.
Every day new studies are published, new trials are started and more patients are being helped. It may take months, years or even centuries but one day the battle will be over. And I’ll have won.

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