Fatigue - NCP for Diabetes Mellitus

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NCP for Diabetes Mellitus

Fatigue is a protective mechanism of the body so that the body protected from further damage resulting in the recovery after the break. The term fatigue usually show varying conditions of each individual, but it all means the loss of efficiency and a reduction in work capacity and endurance. This suggests that fatigue plays a role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body.

Fatigue is a condition that has been recognized in everyday life. The term fatigue usually leads to weakening of labor conditions to perform an activity, although this is not the only symptom.

Fatigue related to a decrease in production of metabolic energy, chemical changes in the blood, insulin insufficiency, increased energy requirements, hypermetabolic status / infection.

Goal: Fatigue is reduced

Expected outcomes:
  • States are able to rest and increased power.
  • Be able to demonstrate the factors that influence fatigue.
  • Showed increased capacity and participate in activities.

Intervention :

1. Discuss with the patient needs activity. Create a schedule planning with patients and identification of activities that cause fatigue.
R / Education can provide the motivation to increase the activity even though the patient may be very weak.

2. Provide an alternative activity with periods of rest were enough / undisturbed.
R /: Preventing excessive fatigue.

3. Monitor vital signs before or after activity.
R /: Identify the level of activity that is tolerated physiologically.

4. Discuss how to conserve calories during a shower, move and so on.
R /: With energy saving patients can do more activities.

5. Increase the participation of the patient in performing daily activities according to ability / tolerance by patients.
R /: Increase confidence / esteem positive according to the level of activity that can be tolerated by the patient.

Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements related to Diabetes Mellitus

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