Bathing and Skin Care

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Bathing and Skin Care

Maintenance of personal hygiene is necessary for an individual’s comfort, safety, and sense of well being.

Bathing Guidelines
  • Cleanliness cannot be on a time clock.
  • Client preference and need
  • Opportunity to assess, teach, exercise
  • Gloves
  • Client participation
  • Oral care
  • Cultural differences

Type of Baths
  • Complete Bed Bath
  • Partial Bed Bath : hands, face, back, axilla, perineum
  • Tub Bath
  • Shower
  • Therapeutic Bath : Sitz, Medicated

  • 2 wash clothes
  • 2 towels
  • Bath blanket
  • Soap
  • Toiletry items ( scent- free policy)
  • Basin
  • PJ’s
  • Gloves
  • Laundry bag
  • Assess ability to perform self- care & determine type of bath
  • Bedpan? Urinal?

Bath Procedure
  • Client Position
  • Body mechanics
  • Loosen and remove top covers
  • Bath blanket
  • Undress
    • Pay attention if client has a deficit on left or right side, ie. paralysis, IV., Pain etc.
    • Undress unaffected side first
    • Dress affected side first
  • Safety, assess need for side rails if need to step away from the bedside
  • Basin with warm water
    • Test inner aspect of wrist
  • Remove pillow
  • HOB 30 – 45 º
  • Wash cloth mitt
  • Eyes, H2O,
    • Inner to outer canthus
    • Different section of each mitt for each eye
  • Face, neck, and ears…..soap? Rinse and dry well.
  • Bath farthest hand and arms first.
  • Use long, firm strokes
    • Distal to proximal including axilla
    • Rinse and dry
    • Deodorant
    • Other arm
  • Keep water at a warm temperature
  • Cover chest with bath towel
  • Wash, attention to skin folds
  • Rinse and dry well
  • Abdomen- stroke side to side
  • Wash, rinse, dry
  • Client comfort and warmth
  • Can partially dress at this point
  • Continue by placing towel under leg, wash
  • From distal to proximal, ( except DVT)
  • Check H2O
  • Do Not Massage any Reddened Areas on skin
  • Back and buttocks – back rub
  • Change H2O
  • Cleanse perineum
  • Foot soak
  • Nail trim if not contraindicated
  • If circulatory problems, diabetes Do Not Cut Nails

Oral Care
  • Time to assess the oral cavity
  • AC and PC
  • NPO
    • 4x/day
    • Keep mouth clean and moist
  • Dentures
    • Be Careful
  • Unconscious client
    • Side lying
    • Facing care giver
    • Bed flat
    • Towel under chin
    • Brush or toothette
    • Avoid stimulating gag reflex, assess need for suction
  • Pay Attention to :
    • Hair
    • Aids, visual and hearing
    • Shave
    • Foot and nail care

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