Dieting Trends: what work, what doesn't and why.

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Dieting Trends: what works, what doesn't and why.

Nutritionist Rovenia Brock is the author of Dr. Ro's Ten Secrets to Living Healthy spoke. She spoke with NPR about diet fads and myths. She outlined so succinctly and brilliantly what does and doesn’t works, that we had to share it here as well. This blog will outline common myths mentioned on the NPR radio show and what dieting trends are fact or fiction.

Diet Rule
True or False?
Never eat after eight
Nearly True
It is not advisable to eat two to three hours before going to bed, because you are going to be sedentary while sleeping.
It is safe to lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks
Although possible, it is not safe to lose so much weight that quickly. What Ms. Brock advised was losing one to two pounds a week. With gradual weight loss, one is more likely to keep the weight off if they have increased their physical activity and are eating nutrient dense foods instead of calorie dense foods. Rapid weight loss is gained back when the diet is over, often causing the person to gain even more weight than they lost.
Stress (cortisol)  makes your tummy fat
Stress hormones begin to peak from three to six pm. Cortisol begins to course through the bloodstream, which cause you crave fatty and sweet foods.  If these foods are consumed, they will cause you to gain weight around your belly. Ms. Brock advised eating high protein foods near the end of the day. Taking a chemical concoction stress reduction drugs that are often advertised on the internet will not help to lose belly fat in the long run. What it takes is a lifestyle change.
Lack of sleep makes you fat.
According to Ms. Brock, lacking sleep will simply makes you feel more tired.
Eating low-fat and low-sugar products will help you lose weight
Often food that is advertised as low-fat or low-sugar have compensated for the lack of fat or sugar by adding something else. So, low-fat food often have more sugar and low-sugar food often has more fat or other calories. Consequently, diet foods often have just as many calories. Additionally, often people who are eating low-fat or low-sugar products tend to eat larger servings than the non-diet counterparts. This is why most diet foods tend to not help people lose weight.
Drinking water helps you lose weight
Frequently, when someone feels a hunger pain, what they really are is thirsty. Most people do not know this. Therefor, drinking water can eliminate the feeling of being hungry and the unnecessary consumption of calories. Additionally, drinking water before a meal will cause you to feel fuller and satisfied quicker. This may cause individuals to consume less.

There you have it, six common dieting fads debunked and explained. Of course, there are dozens more. If you have any dieting trends you would like explained, comment below! And remember, Kay’s Naturals is a healthy, highly satisfying snack. It is low-GI, which means it will not cause your blood sugar to rise. Moreover, Kay’s is high-protien, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Shop online at to get some healthy and gluten-free snacks of your own!


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