Noise Can Make Overweight

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Noise Can Make Overweight

The house is located on the edge of a big road or airport, touted to make people at high risk are obese or overweight. The cause is noise or noise pollution generated from passing vehicles.

As quoted from the British Medical Journal, those who live in a location that is close to the source of noise or noise pollution will decrease energy levels due to disruption of sleep at night. This was followed by a decrease in the desire to exercise and prefer active lifestyle.

"The effects of noise pollution or noise on the health range from annoyance, sleep disturbance, and changes in stress hormone levels due to the cardiovascular system," said Dr. Andrei Pyko, head researcher from the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

Noise, according to him, can affect the body's metabolism. This is because sleep is disrupted. In fact, sleep is an important modulator in the production of hormones, glucose control, and cardiovascular function.

Disruption of sleep affects the body's immune function, which affects the control of appetite and energy are removed. Also the increase in circulation of the stress hormone cortisol.

Less sleep, said Pyko, can increase appetite and reduce energy expenditure. That's why obese attacking people exposed to noise pollution.

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