Hang On - Life Can Always Get Worse

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#1 One In A Million

That moment when you rip off the foil to your pudding, eager to take that first spoonful, and quickly realize that your access has been denied..


#2 I Think Now Is A Good Time To Get Into Walking

Looks like the bees have taken over and needed this bike more than someone else.

                                          #3 Now's Definitely Not A Kodak Moment

If your car’s on fire, we’re going to suggest that pictures can wait. If you don't do something quick, your car might blow up like a Hollywood action scene. If it gets to that point… get the camera ready.

#4 Hungry? Why Wait...? Oh, That's Why

There's nothing worse than taking a ten-minute break at the office to go grab your favorite tasty treat, only to realize you just spent your last dollar on something that will be forever stuck in time and space.

#5 It Doesn't Get Worse Than This

No amount of cheering practice can prepare someone for this moment. How do you even live a normal life after experiencing so traumatic? I'm sure it was horrible for everyone involved

#6 Time To Call It Quits
All you want is to indulge in a cupcake on your birthday, who wouldn't? Very quickly though, you realize that the world is out to get you when the icing has completely slid off your dessert. It's the little things

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