Extreme tiredness, diarrhoea, abodminal pain: Crohn’s disease explained

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THE Only Way Is Essex’s Sam Faiers has brought Crohn’s disease into the spotlight, after being diagnosed with it following her Celebrity Big Brother stint in January. But what exactly is Crohn’s disease, and what should you do if you think you’re at risk?
Reality star Sam Faiers has spoken out for the first time since her Crohn’s disease diagnosis.
The 23-year-old recently discovered she had the inflammatory bowl condition after suffering a six-week mystery illness which saw her lose a stone and a half in week.
Sam told ITV’s This Morning how the disease turned her Celebrity Big Brother experience into a nightmare. “I had really, really bad stomach cramps, doubling over, tears to the eyes, and every time I was eating or drinking something within minutes it was sickness or diarrhoea.”
Before any medical tests were done, the doctor mistakenly thought Sam had a stomach virus but as she drastically lost weight she realised it was more serious. “I could see myself losing more and more weight, and naturally I’m quite a curvy girl. I was in the shower and I was thinking, ‘This weight is falling off me’.
“And that’s when I thought that this can’t just be a tummy bug.”
Sam became so ill that she struggled to get out of bed. “There were a couple of days in the house where I couldn’t even get myself out of bed, my whole body was aching, all my joints were aching and now I’ve done some research on it, they’re all the symptoms you have with a Crohn’s flare up.”
Sam is remaining positive, has quit smoking and adjusted her diet in the hope it will alleviate some of her symptoms. But Crohn’s is a life-long disease and she knows she will not be cured yet. Sam hopes by talking out about her illness, others will spot the signs early.
Here Dr Bu’Hussain Hayee, consultant physician and gastroenterologist at London Bridge Hospital, explains what Crohn’s is, how it affects sufferers and what symptoms to look out for.
Help and advice is available if you think you are suffering from Crohn’s disease. [Getty]
What is Crohn’s disease?
“Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects well over 100,000 people in the UK,” says Dr Hayee. “It causes the intestines (gut) to become inflamed and ulcers develop on the gut lining.”
What are the main symptoms?
Symptoms can vary from person to person and can change over time. But acccording the NHS Direct, common symptoms can include diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fatigue (extreme tiredness), unintended weight loss and blood and mucus in your faeces.
Sometimes symptoms are mild and barely noticeable and can even sometimes get temporarily better by themselves.
How is it diagnosed?
“If you have these symptoms, blood tests and a simple test called faecal calprotectin (measuring the amount of substance in a small stool sample) can determine whether you might have Crohn’s or not,” says Dr Hayee.
If the test is normal, you might still have Crohn’s but it is much less likely and a specialist consultation will help determine what’s causing your symptoms. If the test is positive, you will generally need a colonoscopy, a visual examination of the colon, to investigate further.
Why does it happen?
The exact cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown. However, a combination of factors are thought to be responsible including genes, the immune system (the inflammation may be caused by the immune system attacking the gut), a previous infection, smoking and environmental factors – Crohn’s is most common in the western countries.
What is the role of genetics and lifestyle factors?
Genes are important in determining who might get Crohn’s, but they are definitely not the only factor. Although it is true that Crohn’s can run in families. Specialists are working worldwide to work out exactly how genetics affects Crohn’s and whether we can diagnose and treat people better by knowing what genes they have inherited.
What treatment options are available?
There is currently no cure for Crohn’s so the aim of treatment is to stop the inflammatory process, relieve symptoms and avoid surgery wherever possible.
In very mild cases, the disease can be managed with specialist dietary therapy, by taking probiotics (strong preparations of friendly bacteria) or by using anti-inflammatory medication.
Stronger anti-inflammatory medication, like steroids, can be used but specialists generally try to avoid this unless absolutely necessary as steroids come with a range of side effects.
If Crohn’s is severe or recurrent, medications to suppress the over-active immune system are required. In some cases, surgery might be required or even be the best treatment depending on how Crohn’s has affected the gut.
Dynamo, Crohn's disease
Magician Dynamo had a severe case of Crohn’s as a child. [Getty]
Who is affected?
Crohn’s disease is a relatively uncommon condition and there are estimated to be at least 115,000 people living with it in the UK. It can affect people of all ages, including children. However, most cases first develop between the ages of 16 and 30.
Have any celebrities suffered from Crohn’s?
Magician Dynamo, American singer Anastacia and celebrity vocal coach Carrie Grant all suffer from the disease. Dynamo spoke out last year about his experience.
He was diagnosed when he was 15 years old and had to have surgery to remove half of his stomach, due to a burst abscess, aged 19. He said, “I’ve cut out all the “healthy” foods that actually make me ill – fruits, vegetables, anything fibrous –  because they’re hard to digest.
“Now I live off chicken, mashed potato and pasta and have vitamin injections to make up for what my body is missing. Having Crohn’s means I can’t absorb Vitamin B12 so it’s important I get that, too. My stomach constantly throbs but I’m used to it now.”

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