Everything you wanted to know about Crohns Disease to answer every dumb question you have.

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You may have noticed in the last several weeks I have posted and also written a couple articles about things not to say to a Crohns patient or things that a Crohns patient really doesn't need to hear.
The list includes
1) Are you in the bathroom again ?
2) Can't you just hold it ?  We are almost there and many many more.

Well I heard a new one last night.  A lady said to me, " Crohns Disease, that's JUST an allergy thing isn't where you can't eat certain foods.  She than asked so what foods are you allergic to ?

Well first off there are certain foods I can not tolerate but Crohns Disease is not an allergy thing.  I wish it were.  Wouldn't that be simple ?  We could all just eliminate the food that gives us Crohns and we would live happily ever after.  

Crohns Disease is just that.  It is a disease not an allergy thing.

Crohn's dis·ease
ˈkrōnz diˌzēz/
  1. a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, especially the colon and ileum, associated with ulcers and fistulae.

    Now in my case there are certain foods that will trigger an attack.  Corn for example.  I can't touch it or I will be very sick.  Any spicy foods.   No hot tamales or pepper corns or anything like that.
    But it's not that I am allergic to those foods.   It's that those foods tend to attack my inflamed intestines and cause all kinds of grief for me.

    What Are the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease?

    People with Crohn's disease can experience periods of severe symptoms followed by periods of remission that can last for weeks or years. The symptoms of Crohn's disease depend on where the disease occurs in the bowel and its severity. In general, symptoms can include:
    Other symptoms can develop, depending on complications related to the disease. For example, a person with a fistula (abnormal passageway between various organs or tissues) in the rectal area may have pain and leaking discharge around the rectum.
    Severe inflammation and obstruction of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract due to swelling and scar formation can cause other problems like bowel perforation, abdominal distension (swelling), severe pain, and fever. This can be life-threatening.

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