Moving the Patient Up in Bed

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Moving the Patient Up in Bed
  1. Review the medical record and nursing plan of care for conditions that may influence the patient’s ability to move or to be positioned.
  2. Assess for tubes, IV lines, incisions, or equipment that may alter the positioning procedure. Identify any movement limitations.
  3. Consult patient handling algorithm for moving the patient.
  4. Perform hand hygiene and put on PPE.
  5. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure to the Patient.
  6. Close curtains around bed and close the door to the room, if possible.
  7. Adjust the head of the bed to a flat position.
  8. Remove all pillows from under the patient. Leave one at then head of the bed, leaning.
  9. Position at least one nurse on either side of the bed, and lower both side rails.
  10. Ask the patient (if able) to bend his or her legs and put his or her feet flat on the bed to assist with the movement.
  11. One nurse should be positioned on each side of the bed.
  12. Grasp the friction-reducing sheet securely, close to the patient’s body.
  13. Flex your knees and hips. Tighten your abdominal and gluteal muscles and keep your back straight.
  14. On the count of three, move the patient up in bed.
  15. Assist the patient to a comfortable position and readjust the pillows and supports, as needed. Return bed surface to normal setting.

by. Siva Nanda Reddy-

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