Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Febrile Convulsion

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Febrile Convulsion

1. Risk for trauma / injury r / t weakness, altered consciousness, loss of muscle coordination.

Goal: injury / trauma does not occur.

Expected outcomes:
Factors that cause known, maintaining the rule of treatment, improve environmental safety.

  • Assess the family, a variety of precipitating seizures stimulus.
  • Observation of general condition, before, during, and after the seizure.
  • Record the type of seizure activity and some times occur.
  • Do a neurological assessment, vital signs after the seizure.
  • Protect clients from trauma or seizures.
  • Provide comfort for the client.
  • Collaboration with doctors in the provision of anti comvulsan.

2. Risk for ineffective airway clearance r / t neuromuscular damage.

Goal: ineffective airway clearance does not occur.

Expected outcomes:
The airway clear of obstruction, vesicular breath sounds, no mucosal secretions, respiration within normal limits.

  • Observation of vital signs.
  • Adjust the position of the client bed semi-Fowler.
  • Perform suction mucus.
  • Collaboration with physicians in therapy.

3. Risk for recurrent seizures r / t increase in body temperature.

Goal: Seizure activity is not repeated.

Expected outcomes:
Seizures can be controlled, the body temperature back to normal.

  • Assess the precipitating factors of seizures.
  • Involve the family in the provision of action to clients.
  • Observation of vital signs.
  • Protect children from the trauma.
  • Give a cold compress on the forehead and underarm area.

4. Impaired physical mobility r / t damage the perception, decreased strength.

Goal: Damage to physical mobilization is resolved.

Expected outcomes:
Active physical mobility, seizures do not exist, the client needs resolved.

  • Assess the level of mobilization of the client.
  • Assess the level of damage to the mobilization of the client.
  • Assist clients in fulfillment.
  • Train clients in accordance mobilization capacity of the client.
  • Involve the family in meeting the needs of clients.

5. Knowledge Deficit: Family r / t the lack of information.

Goal: Knowledge of family increases.

Expected outcomes:
Family understand the disease process febrile seizures, the client's family did not ask again about the disease, treatment and condition of the client.

  • Assess the level of family education.
  • Assess the level of knowledge of the client's family.
  • Explain to the client's family about febrile seizure disease through health education.
  • Give a chance to the families to ask for things not understood.
  • Involve the family in any action on the client.

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