Management of Dengue Fever

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Dengue fever caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that grow in the environment around the house. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness is an important factor in the case of dengue fever alert. Programs undertaken include draining, closing and burying all the things that make the mosquitoes lay their eggs and grow big. However, such measures have not been effective in suppressing the growth of Aedes aegypti.

Diligent drain water tub in the bathroom at least once a week. Homeowners also have to cover the bucket or container of water that became a favorite place for mosquitoes to breed. Larvae of aedes aegypti also grows freely in the trash and junk that rainwater. It is recommended to put waste and used goods to storage or trash cans. Therefore, make sure that the environment around the house no puddles, but the eggs and larvae of mosquitoes will not grow in water ponds.

Try to do more anticipatory movements such as improving air circulation in a room in the house that is not damp. Mosquitoes like to be in a humid chamber. Therefore, improve air circulation into the right solution. Easy air out of the room makes mosquitoes do not linger.

Mosquitoes most like to hide behind a hanger or a pile of dirty clothes. Why? Dirty clothes contain many germs that make these insects prefer to gather there. Therefore, it is advisable to put dirty clothes in a place that has been available then sealed or wash immediately do not wait until the pile up like a mountain.

How to draw dengue alert to try to plant mosquito repellent plants. Some types of plants emit scents undesirable insects such as citrus or lavender. Try put lavender pots around the yard or near the house windows so that mosquitoes are afraid to go inside.

Take the time twice a week spraying mosquito repellent to all areas of the home. Cover windows and ventilation holes with translucent gauze air, pour abate powder into water reservoirs such as bathtub, wells or sewer drains like. Wary of dengue should start from home and into the surrounding environment. Follow also free mass spraying are often run by the government.

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