Social Isolation related to Schizophrenia

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Nursing Care Plan for Schizophrenia

Nursing Diagnosis : Social Isolation
related to :
  • lack of confidence to others.
  • freaking out.
  • regression to earlier developmental stages.
  • delusions.
  • difficult to interact with others in the past.
  • weak ego development.
  • repression of fear.

Defining characteristics:
  • Alone in the room.
  • Not communicate, withdraw, do not make eye contact (mutism, autism).
  • Sad, flat affect.
  • Attention and actions that are inconsistent with developmental age.
  • Thinking about things according to his own thoughts, actions are repetitive and meaningless.
  • Approaching nurses to interact, but then refused to respond to the nurse to self-acceptance.
  • Expressing feelings of rejection or loneliness to others.


General Purpose:
  • The patient can voluntarily spend time with other patients and nurses in the group's activities.

Special purpose:
  • The patient already included in the activity therapy was accompanied by a nurse to believe in one week.

Expected outcomes:
  • The patient may demonstrate a desire to socialize with other people.
  • The patient can follow the group activity without prompting.
  • The patient did approach the interaction with others in a way that is appropriate / acceptable.


1. Show the acceptance by conducting frequent contacts, but brief.
Acceptance of others will improve the patient's self-esteem and facilitates a sense of trust in others.

2. Show a positive reinforcement to the patient.
Make the patient feel that would be a useful.

3. Accompany the patient to show support for group activities that may be the case that scary or difficult for the patient.
The presence of someone who believed would provide a sense of security to the patient.

4. Honest and keep all appointments.
Honesty and a sense of need raises a trusting relationship.

5. Orient the patient at the time, people, places, as needed.

6. Be careful with the touch. Let the patient got an extra room and the opportunity to leave the room if the patient becomes so anxiety.
The patients who suspect may be receptive to touch as a body language that suggests the threat.

7. Give the drugs, according the patient's treatment program. Monitor the effectiveness and side effects of drugs.
Medications help to reduce the symptoms of psychosis in a person, thus facilitating interaction with other people.

8. Discuss with the patient signs of increased anxiety and techniques to cut response. (Eg, relaxation exercises, "stop thinking").
Maladaptive behavior such as withdrawing and suspicious manifested during an increase in anxiety.

9. Give recognition and appreciation without prompting the patient can interact with others.
Reinforcement will increase the patient's self-esteem and encourage the repetition of such behavior.

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