Ineffective Tissue perfusion related to Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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Nursing Care Plan for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Ulcers are open sores on the skin or mucous membrane surface and the ulcer is extensive tissue death and accompanied invasive saprophyte bacteria. The existence of the saprophyte bacteria cause ulcers smelling, diabetic ulcers is also one of the symptoms and the clinical course of the disease diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy. (Andyagreeni, 2010).

Diabetic ulcers are chronic complications of diabetes mellitus as a major cause of morbidity, mortality and disability in patients with diabetes. High LDL levels play an important role for the occurrence of diabetic ulcers through the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the walls of blood vessels, (zaidah 2005).

Diabetic foot ulcers are the complications associated with morbidity from diabetes mellitus. Diabetic foot ulcers are serious complications due to diabetes. (Andyagreeni, 2010).

Nursing Care Plan for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Nursing Diagnosis : Ineffective Tissue perfusion related to weakening / decrease in blood flow to the area of gangrene due to obstruction of blood vessels.

Goal: maintain peripheral circulation remained normal.

Expected outcomes:
  • Palpable peripheral pulses were strong and regular.
  • The color of the skin around the wound; not pale / cyanosis.
  • The skin around the wound felt warm.
  • Edema does not occur and the wound is not getting worse.
  • Sensory and motor improves.


1. Instruct the patient to mobilize.
Rational: the mobilization improves blood circulation.

2. Teach about the factors that can increase blood flow: Elevate the patient's leg is slightly lower than the heart (elevation position at rest), avoid crossing legs, avoid tight bandage, avoid the use of cushions, behind the knees and so on.
Rational: increase blood flow back so there is no edema.

3. Teach about the modification of risk factors such as:
Avoid high-cholesterol diet, relaxation techniques, stop smoking, and drug use vasoconstriction.
Rational: high cholesterol can accelerate the onset of atherosclerosis, smoking can cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels, relaxation to reduce the effects of stress.

4. Cooperation with other health care team in the delivery of vasodilators, checks blood sugar regularly and oxygen therapy.
Rational: vasodilator administration will increase the dilation of blood vessels and tissue perfusion can be improved, while the regular blood sugar checks can track the progress and state of the patient.

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