Nursing Assessment - Physical Examination for Ectopic Pregnancy

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Physical Examination for Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is most likely to be found at between five weeks and 10 weeks of your pregnancy. Most women experience symptoms about two weeks after they miss a period.

More than 95 percent of ectopic pregnancies implant in one of the fallopian tubes, which is why it's also known as a tubal pregnancy. As pregnancy grows, it causes pain and bleeding. If it's not treated, the tube can rupture and cause internal bleeding.

Physical Examination for Ectopic Pregnancy
1. Vital Signs

a. Blood pressure
Position taking blood pressure should be set, because the position will affect blood pressure in pregnant women. Blood pressure should be measured in a sitting position, with a position parallel position of the heart. Documenting noteworthy position and blood pressure were obtained.

b. Pulse
Normal pulse rate of 60-90 times per minute. Tachycardia can occur in a state of anxiety, hyperthyroidism and infection. Pulse is checked for a full minute to be able to determine the regularity of the heartbeat. Pulse is checked to determine limb circulation problems, the pulse should be as strong and regular.

c. Breathing
Respiratory frequency during pregnancy ranged from 16-24 times per minute. Tachypnea occurs due to respiratory infections or heart disease. The breathing should be bilateral, symmetric lung expansion and lung field free of abdominal breathing.

d. temperature
The normal temperature during pregnancy is 36.2 to 37.60 C. Increased temperature indicates an infection and need medical care.

2. General condition
Depending on the amount of blood that comes out of the fallopian tubes, the general situation is more or less normal to emergency with severe shock and anemia (Prawiroharjo, 1999; 255)

3. Examination of the head and neck
Pale face and eyes, conjunctiva; anemic.

4. Examination of the neck and thorax
Signs of ruptured ectopic pregnancy can not be identified through the neck and thorax, breast ectopic pregnancy usually there is a change.

5. Examination of the abdomen
In tubal abortion there is tenderness in the lower abdomen side of the uterus, and the external examination or bimanual examination found that the tumor is not so dense, tenderness and with boundaries that are not flat beside the uterus.

6. Examination of genitalia
Before the surgery on the external genitalia examination can reveal any vaginal bleeding. Bleeding from the uterus usually a little-bit, blackish-red.
After the surgery on genital examination can reveal any blood out a bit.

7. Examination of the extremities
On the upper and lower extremities are usually found any acral cold due to shock and signs of peripheral cyanosis on hands and feet.

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