This morning I woke up with somewhat of a headache (which is pretty rare for me). I went to sleep around 1 in the morning and woke up around 11 and felt this semi-good sleep (mostly because my body was catching up on sleep). Sleep is like a bank account sometimes you don't get enough and have to more than make up for it on weekends. I felt much better today but still feel a tad tired. Hopefully, tonight I will get a good rest before work tomorrow. I haven't had a bowel movement all day today so that is good.
So the past few weeks or so my nose has been very dry. I usually do SinusRinse (which can be gross at first but does work wonders). Where I live it has been cold recently but with all this stuff in my nose my nose feels stuffed up. I went to Walgreens and bought some NeilMed stuff for dry noses. I have noticed when I take a shower my nose does feel a lot better with the moisture. Hopefully this dry nose is temporary.