More Sleep, Dry Nose, and Cold Water

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So in my last post I talked about how I didn't get much sleep last weekend and had a dry nose. So this weekend I did a little better on sleep getting about 9 hours on Friday night which made me feel really good all day Saturday and last night I did pretty well on sleep about 8 hours or so and felt okay this morning.

For my dry nose I bought a humidifier from Target and used it last night. This morning I woke up and it felt like I wasn't as dry as usual. The humidifier has 2 levels (low and high). However, the high level can be a little loud so while I was sleeping I had it on the low setting.The other thing I bought for my nose was NeilMed for dry nose gel and it seems to have helped. I had Mexican food last night (Sunday night) (chicken tacos with refried beans and rice) and didn't feel too bad.

This weekend I had a few green bowel movements (which has happened to me before). I really don't get worried unless I start losing weight and feel cramping which I am actually weighing about 165 these days (however I don't feel large I just feel more filled out).

A couple of days the past week I went swimming in semi cold water which felt great. However, it didn't have the same effect when I swam in very cold water last fall (it does feel pretty good though). The water temperature was about 65 degrees making it chilly but not unbearable.

The start of 2014 has brought me pretty good health and I feel just like I was pre-Crohn's which I count as remission. Hopefully, this will continue into the near distant future.

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