Gluten-Free Flours: Part 2

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6 minute read
We are ready to explore the vast variety of gluten-free flours! You may have experience with some pre-mixed flours, but now you are ready to branch out and explore. Many enjoy GF flours because they have the ability to increase the complexity of flavors and textures. They can also add protein and other essential nutrients and vitamins. Who needs bleached, nutrient-drained, white flour, when there are so many great alternatives? Below is a list of GF flours along with some background information of some GF favorites.

Many GF flours can be found at health food stores and traditional grocery stores. A quick Google search will also lead you to websites where flours can be purchased online. Prices and quality tend to vary depending on the distributer, so it is worth doing a bit of research. We hope you have fun experimenting in your laboratory kitchen, and enjoy your delectable creations! For the times you crave a healthy GF snack that is not made from scratch, enjoy a bag of Kay's Naturals.

Brown Rice Flour: This flour is heavier than white rice flour and contains more fiber and nutrients. Its texture however is more grainy and apparent than white rice flour. It has a bit of a nutty flavor. Best when used fresh!
Buckwheat Flour: Buckwheat is related to rhubarb, and contrary to its name, is not a wheat. Buckwheat seeds are ground to make flour. Flavor: very nutty and a little bitter.
Corn Flour/Cornstarch: Ground from corn to become a white powder, it is used as a thickening agent. Flavor: bland and works great when mixing with other flours. Some corn flour are milled from wheat, but will be labeled wheaten corn flour.
Corn Meal: Also ground from corn but heavier than corn flour. Not interchangeable in recipes.
Mesquite Flour
Millet Flour: Millet is actually a name given to a number of different grains of the grass family Poaceae. This versatile flour is a favorite for many and can be used to thicken soups, make flat breads, or cakes. It has a mild sweet and nutty flavor that works well with other foods. It works great when mixed with almond and rice flours. Millet is also enjoyed for it is high in antioxidants activity and magnesium. It is also useful for managing diabetes and inflammation.
Oat Flour
Sorghum Flour: A staple in India and Africa. This flour is ground from sorghum grain and is similar to millet. Use to make porridge, flat breads, or mix into other flours to increase the protein, phosphorus, fiber, and potassium in whatever you are making. Stores well unrefrigerated.           
Sweet Potato Flour
Teff Flour: Teff is a cereal grain of the grass family. It is appreciated among the health conscious as it is highly nutritious and versatile. It has been traditionally used to create Injera, an Ethiopian flat bread. Teff has more calcium, by far, than any other flour. Teff contains resistant starch, a dietary fiber to help regulate blood-sugar management, colon health, and weight control. Finally, it also contains vitamin C, which is rare in flours.
PSEUDO-GRAINS (pseudo-grains have similar nutritional value as grains, but belong to different botanical families)    
Amaranth Flour: It is made from the seed of the Amaranth plant, a leafy vegetable. Amaranth seeds are high in protein, which makes for nutritious baking. Additionally, Amaranth flour has fiber and lysine, an essential amino acid.
Chia Flour: This 'super food' comes from ground chia seeds and contains Omega 3, calcium and protein. A single ounce has 4 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber. If you can't find chia at your local health food store, simply mill your own in a food processor. When baking with chia flour, baking time and liquid levels should generally be increased slightly.
Hemp Flour: From ground hemp seeds with a slightly nutty flavor. Must refrigerate after opening.         
Quinoa Flour: Quinoa is related to beets and spinach. The flour is ground quinoa seeds. Has been used for 5,000 years in South America. It is a good source of vegetable protein.
Arrowroot Flour: It comes from the root of the Arrowroot plant. This flour is tasteless and becomes clear when cooked. Arrowroot is perfect for thickening sauces and soups.
Potato Flour: Has a strong potato flavor and is heavy (a little goes far).
Potato Starch: A fine white flour with an undetectable potato taste. It is an excellent GF alternative, but must be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
Sweet Rice Flour
Tapioca Flour: Made from the root of the cassava plant and is soft and light in texture. Works well as a thickener and makes baked goods more chewy. Unlike many alternative flours, it is able to be stored at room temperature.          
White Rice Flour: This flour is bland in flavor and not especially nutritious. It is well liked as it lends itself to baked goods that are light in texture, such as dumplings. It is versatile and able to be utilized in a variety of recipes. Store in an airtight container to extend its shelf life.
NUT FLOURS             
Almond Flour: This flour is made from finely ground almonds. It will produce a rich buttery flavor while being is low in carbs and high in protein. Studies show that almonds are highly nutritious, as they are cholesterol free, low in saturated fat and carbohydrates, high in dietary fiber, antioxidant vitamin E, calcium, riboflavin, copper, zinc and magnesium. Best for crumbles and breads, as opposed to pizza crust or pie crusts. Most almond flours will stay fresh for up to 3 months in a sealed container that is kept in a cool dry location. Works well when combined with teff and rice flours, to create a healthy nutritious flour blend.              
Chestnut Flour
Coconut Flour
Hazelnut Flour
Fava Bean Flour
Garbanzo Bean/Chick Pea Flour: From ground chick peas, this flour has a nutty flavor. Best when mixed with other flours.           
Kinako (roasted soy bean) Flour

Amaranth Vs. Quinoa:
Guide to Gluten-Free Fours:
How to make gluten-free flour mixes:
How to Substitute Eggs and Binding Agents:
Wheat free and gluten free flours:
The Claim: Chia Seeds Can Help You Lose Weight:
So what's the difference between Soya Powder & Soy Flour:
Teff and Millet – November Grains of the Month:

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