So my health has been doing pretty good. This past week I have been eating salads at work for lunch to try to be a tad healthier but always find myself hungry. This evening around 10 PM I had a semi-loose stool. However I forgot to take my Asacol this morning (I had to go into work for a few hours this afternoon). Also a few weeks ago on my Humira shot I didn't hold it in long enough and some of the medicine leaked out which is never good and sometimes take a while before you notice the results. The only other thing I have noticed is I probably need a little more sleep. At night I do have a little bit of cramping and get use a cold-pad from Walgreens that seems to help out but it doesn't seem cold enough and just cover the sides of my stomach. When I get a bag of ice and place it over my stomach it feels pretty good however you can't leave it on too long or else you end up with a Last night I got a decent amount of sleep (8.5 hours most likely) and my mind seemed pretty active. Normally I get to bed around midnight (after watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) and wake up around 8. For some reason my body isn't always asleep. I remember the one time I slept for about 10 hours and felt like I was cured of anything I ever had. My work schedule has been busy with projects (more stress than usual). In order to relive this stress I plan to take a road trip in a couple of weeks for the weekend which usually does wonders in terms of relaxation and stress. I plan to see my GI doctor in April for a usual checkup (it is actually good when I don't have to see him since it means I am in remission).
I am glad I am not where I was last year with c difficile and a fecal transplant. I am always happy and grateful to be in remission but as even I know Crohn's is a lifelong illness that will be with me for the rest of my life (unless there is a cure). The only thing to do is take it one day at a time and live everyday to the best I can.