One of my fave travel tips, just in time for the holidays!!!

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Alright ya'll!!!   Are you ready for one of my favorite travel tips??   When I started having to travel frequently for work, which combined with a fairly active set of personal travel commitments, I quickly got lost in shuffling from suitcase to closet to suitcase in the mad dash of making sure I wasn't leaving anything behind, which I inevitably did.  When you're dealing with an autoimmune disease,  the last thing you need is something critical, whether medication or a toiletry item that will make your travel more comfortable, being left behind.  After forgetting deodorant here, medicine there, and other items, I invested in a new  hanging toiletry bag, and then bought a second item of all my toiletries so it was always stocked and ready to go!  

This may sound simple, but trust me, it's the best decision regarding travel I've ever made!  And it does require an initial financial investment, but it's so much cheaper than ending up on the road and having to secure transportation to a store to replace a forgotten toiletry item, often at premium prices.

I've been using an earlier model of this Ricardo bag.

Look for one with sturdy construction and plenty of pockets, zippered compartments, and of course a hook to hang it from!

I also stock my toiletry bag with backup medication, so it's always available.

Happy travels this holiday season!!

Crohnies unite!

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