My Story

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Hi everyone! Welcome to my personal health and fitness page. To start things off I feel like I need to share WHY I’m doing this and HOW I got here.
For the majority of my life I have struggled with my health. In my early teens I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, which explained my fluctuating weight and constant fatigue. Since then I have tried SO MANY different pills, shakes, vitamins, natural supplements…you name it, I’ve tried it.
After several more years of health struggles including 7 miscarriages, I was finally able to get and stay pregnant with my sweet little boy. During my pregnancy recovery I started to have Crohn’s flares and was feeling very FATIGUED. Not to mention the WEIGHT my body was holding onto from my pregnancy. My medication and moderate exercise were NOT CUTTING IT! I knew I needed to do something different.
I was lucky enough to have an amazing friend share a product and program with me that had helped her and people she knew regain their health. I did my research and, trust me, I was SO SKEPTICAL! After all of my failed attempts at trying products I DID NOT want to spend money just to have it not work.
I decided to give it a shot. That was last October. After ONE MONTH of drinking Shakeology daily and doing TurboFire workouts, I was down 10 POUNDS, I had ENERGY and I KNEW my body was getting the nutrients it so desperately NEEDED.
Fast forward another 3 months…I maintained my weight and was able to get pregnant weighing 10 POUNDS LESS THAN MY FIRST PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT!
Today I am 4 months pregnant, still drinking my Shakeology, and being active every day. Shakeology ROCKS during pregnancy…but that’s for another post.
The last 9 months have CHANGED MY LIFE!!! I am HEALTHIER than I EVER remember being.
My health is SO important to me. I want to be able to keep having kids and be around to play with my grandkids.
I have BIG GOALS and BIG DREAMS. I want to be healthy enough to accomplish ALL of them and to SHARE them with YOU along the way.
THAT is why I am doing this.
THAT is why I will continue to find ways to live a healthy, balanced life.
It is my HOPE that sharing my experiences with you will MOTIVATE and HELP you in some way to TAKE THE LEAD with your health and live a BETTER, HAPPIER life!

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