17 Weeks

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In case you missed the memo, I’M PREGNANT! Yep, almost 18 weeks along. I want to share a few things about my pregnancy with you.

For the first trimester I was EXHAUSTED, bloated, and so nauseous. The pills I took for my nausea gave me horrible migraines and really messed with my digestion. There were MANY days where all I did was lay in bed. I stopped drinking my Shakeology when I found out I was pregnant because I was nervous that it would make me sicker or that I shouldn’t take it. BIG MISTAKE.

Finally I got my act together and did a little research about Shakeology and pregnancy. Turns out it is one of the BEST things you can take for you and your baby! So I started drinking it again every morning.

Amazing things happened. Within a week of starting back on the shakes my NAUSEA STOPPED, NO MORE BLOAT, my guts started to FUNCTION RIGHT, and MY ENERGY WAS BACK! 

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