Distinct demographic profiles between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

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Just read a short article on the demographic differences between UC and CD sufferers in the UK. Additional support for environmental differences being a contributing factor. Interesting that CD was more common among "deprived social groups". Perhaps a different diet in that group? Here's an excerpt:

They found that hospitalization for severe CD was more common among women than men and it peaked among younger people aged 16󈞉 years. UC was similar among men and women and was more common among older people. There was no link between social deprivation and UC, but CD was more common among more deprived social groups.

The differing demographic profiles between CD and UC, suggest that environmental factors play a more significant role in the etiology of CD. The findings of this large population-based study on the prevalence and mortality of IBD are also important for service planning and provision.

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