This past week...

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Hello everyone! Just wanted to touch base, as I haven't been on the network much the last few days. I am having a flare up that is kicking my butt (no pun intended hahah). Haven't been sleeping well, on top of increased nausea and pain. I go see my GI on Monday, but I hope to feel somewhat better by than. Wanted to thank everyone for all their contributions, kindness, and compassion. I hope everyone else is doing well, with their chins up! -Jason

Been asleep most of the day. Woke up again at around 8pm, and still feeling like crap. If I don't feel better will have to be admitted to the hospital. Will update with the network! I hope to not have to go...

I woke up this morning and I feel pretty good! The last few mornings have been MISERABLE, so what a wonderful change. I am going to take it easy, let my body recoup, but pretty sure the worst is over. I look forward to a nice weekend, and the upcoming week. Halloween is always my favorite time of the year.

On a side note - Tomorrow is my mothers 8 year anniversary since she passed. I can think about her and smile again, but she is greatly missed. Love you mom!

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