Urban Cluster of Crohn's Potentially Explained by MAP

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I just came across a new research report published Sept 23, 2009 (Possible Transmission of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis through Potable Water: Lessons from an Urban Cluster of Crohn's Disease) that found a geographical cluster of people that developed Crohn's Disease.

Here's an excerpt that describes the clustering they found (only three people, but still warrants further research):
Despite the documented presence of MAP in tap water and its probable growth on tap water pipes, clusters of Crohn's disease have not previously been described in relationship to tap water pipes supplying patients' homes. This report describes three unrelated individuals who lived on the same block along a street in a midwestern American city and developed Crohn's disease within four years of each other in the 1960's. A common tap water pipe supplied their homes. This is the first reported cluster of Crohn's disease possibly linked to fully treated drinking water, and is consistent with previously reported clusters of Crohn's disease linked to an infectious microorganism in water.
The full article can be found here.

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