Is Soy Bad? Type 1 Diabetes and Leaky Gut

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I came across a blog post about Type 1 Diabetes (again thanks to Google Alerts) where the author talks about why Soy is bad and how it may have contributed to the recent (i.e. last 30 - 40 years) growth in Type 1 Diabetes or other autoimmune disorders. I thought it was pretty interesting. The idea (regarding Type 1 Diabetes) is that soy damanges the gut mucosa, causing a leaky gut, thereby allowing large proteins (e.g. gluten) directly into the bloodstream where they cause an immune response around the body.

Now, I don't have Type 1 Diabetes so that's only partially interesting for me. But the process described in the post raises some interesting questions. One of the things mentioned was that there are diabetes related genes that have been found (and that have been present for decades), but recent environmental (or in this case diet) changes are making those genes get expressed more than they previously were. Could something similar be happening in Crohn's? I need to research leaky gut syndrome some more and perhaps it makes sense to continue broadening my research beyond Crohn's to other auto-immune disorders.

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