Early Morning...

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Oh the joys of Crohn's...Woke up about 5:30am tossing and turning. Eventually, the waves of nausea started. Supposed to go to the dentist today at 10:30am-Don't think that will be happening. That is one of the most frustrating aspects of Crohn's, is it's unpredictability of when it's going to hit me with wonderful waves of nausea and pain; mostly right now it's nausea. To control this, I try taking slow deep breathes, in through my nose and out through my mouth. Getting air out of the stomach can really help control the nausea. The sun is starting to rise...and all I want to do is go back to bed. Think it might be a very long day...

9am- Still awake...canceled dentist appointment. There is no way someone is going to be able to work in my mouth, without me getting sick. I have a bad gag reflex as is! I'm supposed to resume Humira treatment today; hopefully this will bring some reprieve. I hope everyone is having a good day. :) When feeling ill, support from friends and family help more than any medication.

3:38pm- Got some rest on the couch. Tossing and turning a lot, not sure why. Could be the frequent waking up and running to the bathroom. I had to cancel dentist, and all my other doctor check ups today. For the best though.... My GI also recommended I not inject Humira today, and wait till tomorrow. Looking forward to going back on treatment. I am VERY excited though over the new CROHN'S DISEASE SOCIAL NETWORK!!! =D The small things in life...I do love them.

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