My Crohn's Update - Link Between Stress and Crohn's Disease

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Well, I continue to undergo major stress. I just went through 5 1/2 hours of mediation with the ex and woulden't you know following this I had a Crohn's flare up. I spent most of my night in the bathroom. I hurt so bad I can barely walk today. I woke up for work an hour early and spent it on the toilet. I made my way to work and have been in the bathroom twice in 20 minutes. Each time I dread going because a certain area is so raw that I cried the last couple of times. Yay, its going to be such a great day.

All I know is that for me personally, the link between stress and Crohn's Disease is very real. I am pretty sure this episode will last long enough to qualify me for the second round of Prochymal in the Osiris Stem Cell Infusion study. I guess thats good news???

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