Is Humira Really working for me? Worst Night Sweats Ever

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After lining my side of the bed with towels and having pretty much the worst night sweats I have ever wife challenged me this AM with a statement that went something like this "I know the Dr. is holding out alot of faith on this Humira working but I don't know if it really is." I paused to reflect and have to wonder myself. The pain has been getting worse and the night sweats are back. I am fresh off a shot Friday night usually I am doing OK at this point.

About this time last year (before I started this Crohn's Blog), I had to go on a liquid diet and ended up not being able to eat at Thanksgiving or Christmas). I lost about 12 pounds...that might be the only good part.....and spent about 5 days in the hospital.

Anyways, crazy week at work. Just took on responsibility for all of our marketing (was just doing online portion) and am working on 2008 business plans and budgeting. Fun times!!

Enough bitching, lets all have a positive week. -Scott

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