On Friday we held a launch event for my book ‘Go Your Crohn Way’. It was AMAZING. Being an inexperienced ‘author’, I’d never even attended a book launch let alone held one for myself, so it was a very daunting prospect! Thank-fully I have an amazing partner who took the reins on the majority of organising the event; he also acted as the host with the most; welcoming everyone along, introducing the night’s activities and even holding a Q&A session with me! VERY FUN.
We held the launch in The Royal Society of Edinburgh, a beautiful building within jaw-dropping distance of Edinburgh Castle. The RSE was created in 1783 by Royal Charter for “the advancement of learning and useful knowledge” and has a strong medical background. It’s also IMPRESSIVE AF. I certainly don’t profess to be learned enough to ‘teach’ anyone anything (although I can name AT LEAST 10 breeds of cat in under a minute), but I do hope my book offers some useful knowledge on how to live a full (and happy) life with IBD.
The launch allowed for me to talk a little about the basics of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and read a little from my book. That was SCARY. My knees were a-knockin’ and I was breaking into a cold sweat but I got to the end of it without passing out and no one left mid-way through so that was a bonus! James (my BF) and I had a Q&A where I fielded brilliant questions from our guests. Many of which almost had me sobbing but I was running on too much adrenalin to even coax out a tear at that point. We had delicious canapés and wine and social networking, and a book-signing! THAT was a thrill in itself – people actually queuing up to have me sign their books like a real life author! I loved every minute; especially meeting some who had come such a long way to attend the event.
There was such a great and inclusive atmosphere in the room that we couldn't fail to feel comfortable. Bowels have never felt so entertaining.
Today, a couple of days later, and now that we have both come down from our ‘successful-event-high’, I feel overwhelmed. I've cried more than once today. Not because I'm unhappy, absolutely not, but because I feel so incredibly thankful. Mainly for the people in my life who have supported me from day one in pursuing my dream of getting this book out into the world. I'm thankful for my partner James who I adore a little more every day. But most of all I'm thankful for those people trusting in me, buying my book and enjoying it, and TALKING ABOUT IBD. I hope you all enjoy my writing, I hope it sits nicely in your bathroom and most of all I hope it helps to open up conversation about IBD! Which really is the whole point. One of the best days of my life has also given me an incredible opportunity to share my story with the world. I hope it helps you tell yours; even if it’s just to the doctor.
You can buy ‘Go Your Crohn Way’ here or from all good retailers! à https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1848193165/ref=s9_simh_gw_g14_i1_r?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=54BGRG8C8B5ESAGM3A23&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=867551807&pf_rd_i=desktop