This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 2 Bananas Everyday

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#1 Fights Depression

The tryptophan in bananas converts to serotonin, which is responsible for lifting our mood.

#2 Hair Benefits

Potassium, natural oils, vitamins, and carbohydrates from bananas, hep in softening and smoothing hair strands, protecting natural elasticity and preventing split ends.

#3 Energy Supply

The low glycemic carbohydrates in a banana give you a steady flow of energy, without a sugar crash.

#4 Decreases Anemia

Bananas are rich in iron which stimulate red blood cells and the production of hemoglobin, essential to preventing anemia.

#5 Blood Pressure

The potassium in bananas help regulate blood pressure, and they are also a low sodium food, essential for those watching their blood pressure.

#6 Circulatory health

Potassium also helps prevent blood clotting and strokes.

#7 Muscle Cramps

Bananas can also stave off those awful muscle cramps, due to its high potassium levels.

Interesting….I had a marathon runner tell me once that she would eat a banana about one hour before running because of all it's health benefits.  But I had no idea they were that good.  Bananas up everyone.

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