Thank you to the greatest generation of men and women ever

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On this Remembrance Day, I always take time to remember my Dad, A C Hiatt, who served God and country in world war two. Dad was a born again Christian and going to war was not an easy decision for him to make. But in his words, I had to do my part and sacrifices had to be made. I wish some of these white poppy people and peace people could talk with him today. Unfortunately he is gone but he would tell you, war is hell, no soldier likes it. But when freedom and our way of life becomes threatened by evil tyrants like Adolph Hitler good men are called to action.
All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. And by the way he suffered for years after because of his service for fellow man.
My Dad - Alfred Curtis Hiatt - part of the greatest generation of men and women who ever lived

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