Diego's Surgery

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Diego is back home after having surgery today.  It turned out to be more extensive than I figured it would be.  And he is hurting right now and looking at me with big round eyes that seem to say, why did you do this to me ?   He first had a very large growth taken off one of his front legs.

It's a good thing he can't read because he is wearing a Pug T shirt complete with a picture of a Pug on it.  It was the only shirt I could find (cheap) that would fit him

So far he hasn't shown any signs of chewing on the bandage but he is still pretty groggy so he might do that yet, who knows.

I got one of those cones to put on him but hopefully he will not have to wear it.  The bandage can come off Monday or Tuesday

Then he had three growths taken off of his back.  I don't know how he gets these things but I guess it's a Bichon thing.  In fact one of the Vets one time referred to them as Bichon bumps so maybe that is something they are partial too.
Then after that they found another large one on his neck and took that one off aa well.  And as if that wasn't enough I had scheduled him for a teeth cleaning thinking might as well get it all done and only put him under anesthetic once and of course one of his molars was rotten and had infection under it so they pulled that out as well.
Poor little guy.  He has had enough for one day.   I am in a little bit of pain too.  Kind of on my right butt cheek where my wallet sits but what can you do.  If you are going to be a pet owner you can not let them suffer.

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