11 Incredible Jobs That Actually Exist In This World

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If you do what you love, you never have to work a day in your life.

1. Master Ice Cream Taster

The bad news (if you can even call it that) is that you’ll have to taste about 60 flavors of ice cream in a day. The good news is you get to do that with a gold-plated spoon. No, seriously, a gold-plated spoon.

2. Laughter Therapist

Interested in helping people, but you feel like most therapy is a little too stuffy for your tastes? Time to look into a career as a laughter therapist!

3. Intelligence Officer (Spy)

While it may seem like a gig that only happens in movies, the Australian Secret Intelligence Service is actively recruiting intelligence officers as we speak. If collecting secrets in exotic locations isn’t your thing, they’re also looking for technologists to solve the most complex of problems.

4. Director of Sleep

Did you know there are professional bed testers for hotels? It could be your job to sleep on the job!

5. Beer Expert

Restaurants have had sommeliers to pair wine with your meal for some time. Now that craft beer has become more common at nice dining establishments, you can get a gig as a cicerone (beer taster) as well.

6. Tropical Island Caretaker

How would you like to spend six months on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef? Does $150,000 sound like a fair wage for your time? If so, you’ll make a perfect candidate for what is quite literally called the best job in the world.

7. Lead Creative Executive of Parades and Spectaculars

There are lots of jobs you can take at a theme park, but there’s only one person in charge of making sure the fireworks and parades are truly spectacular and leave you going “OH MY GOD THAT’S AMAZING I’LL NEVER UNSEE THIS AND I’M SO GRATEFUL!”

8. Wildlife Caretaker

Those monkeys are going to need feeding, and maybe you’re the person for the job!

9. Flavourist

Imagine a life where you could taste something delicious, think to yourself, Oh man, I wish this flavour was everywhere, and then just make that happen on Monday morningThat’s what a flavourist does. Thank you for that watermelon-kiwi soda, flavourist. It was more delicious than we could have imagined.

10. Santa Letter Writer

If you’re good with words, enjoy making children happy, and don’t mind a little chill in the air while you’re working, you could land yourself a job as a Santa letter writer in North Pole, Alaska.

11. Butcher

While it may not immediately come to mind as the best job in the country, you might want to think again. It seems that butchers are the happiest workers in Australia.

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