Definition of Dementia According to the Experts

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Dementia is a syndrome characterized by a variety of disorders of cognitive function without disturbance of consciousness. Impaired cognitive function among others in intelligence, learning and memory, language, problem solving, orientation, perception, attention and concentration, adjustment, and social skills. (Arif Mansjoer, 1999)

Dementia is a decline in intellectual function that causes the loss of social independence. (William F. Ganong, 2010)

Dementia is a disorder of intellectual functions without interruption vegetative functions or circumstances that occur. Memory, general knowledge, abstract thinking, judgment, and interpretation of written and oral communication can be interrupted. (Elizabeth J. Corwin, 2009)

Dementia is a clinical syndrome includes loss of intellectual function and memory were so serious that causes the dysfunction of everyday life. Dementia is a condition when a person experiences memory loss and other cognitive significantly interfere with daily activities (Nugroho, 2008).

According to Grayson (2004) states that dementia is not just a common disease, but rather a collection of symptoms caused some particular disease or condition causing personality change and behavior.

Dementia can be defined as cognitive impairment and memory
affect daily activities. Dementia patients often show some disruption and changes in daily behavior (behavior symptoms) that interfere (disruptive) or do not disturb (non-disruptive) (Voicer. L., Hurley, AC, Mahoney, E.1998).

Thus, the Dementia is a decline in mental ability that usually develops slowly, which happens impaired memory, mind, judgment and ability to focus, and personality deterioration may occur. Diseases that can be experienced by people of all educational backgrounds and cultures. Although there is no specific treatment for dementia, but treatments to manage symptoms may be performed.

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