Physical Examination in Nursing - Inspections, Palpation, Auscultation and Percussion

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Physical examination or clinical examination is a process of a medical expert examine the patient's body to find clinical signs of disease. Test results will be noted in the medical record. Medical records and physical examination will help in the diagnosis and treatment planning of patients.

Physical examination is to conduct a physical examination of the client to determine the client's health problems. Physical examination can be done in various ways, among others:

1. Inspections
Inspection is the examination conducted by looking at the body part being examined through observation. The result as: Yellow eyes (icteric), there is a goitre in the neck, bluish skin (cyanosis), etc.

2. Palpation
Palpation is a physical examination conducted by palpability of the parts of the body are abnormal. For example a tumor, edema, crepitus (broken / fractured bones), etc.

3. Auscultation
Auscultation is made through physical examination hearing. Typically using a tool called a stethoscope. Things that are heard are: heart sounds, breath sounds, and bowel sounds.

4. Percussion
Percussion is a physical examination performed by tapping the body part using your hands or a tool such as a reflex hammer reflexes to know someone (specifically discussed). Also performed other tests related to the physical health of the client. For example: bloating, the boundaries of the heart, liver, lung boundary (knowing lung development), etc.

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