Types of Problems and Sleep Disorders

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Sleep is a thing that is needed by the human body, so that the performance and optimum performance of the body when the body is awake. During sleep, the body will form and regenerate cells, supports brain function, and replenish the body's energy. For children and adolescents, sleep is needed to assist their growth process.

What is a sleep disorder?

Sleep can be divided into two types / phases, namely REM sleep and non-REM (NREM). In normal sleep, the two phases are always repeated in the bed, with a length of about 90 minutes each. NREM there are 4 phases, where phase four is the deepest phase of sleep / deep. REM is the deepest phase, and is often called the dream phase.

But when the cycle is interrupted, or when a person does not experience REM and NREM cycle normally, the body will experience a variety of ill effects, such as; feeling tired, decreased ability to concentrate, impaired metabolism of the body, and so forth.

Types of Sleep Disorders

If you are experiencing difficulty in sleeping, or have problems with sleep habits, then you might have one of the types of sleep disturbances below.


People who suffer from insomnia have always felt that they did not have enough sleep. Symptoms of insomnia among others; difficult to fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, and can affect daily activities. Insomnia can be caused by many things, such as stress, depression, anxiety, poor sleep patterns, or because he was undergoing treatment and taking certain medications.


Most adults snore while sleeping. Snoring coming from the air entering the soft tissue in the throat vibrate. Snoring can be a problem because of the sound it produces. In addition, snoring can be a major sign of a more serious sleep problems, namely sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea

This sleep disorder occurs when a portion of upper respiratory tract congestion, obstruction of breathing in a short time, and make someone awakened from sleep. Apnea means "without breath". Sleep apnea can occur repeatedly during sleep, so sufferers always feel very sleepy during the day. People who snore sleep more at risk of this sleep disorder. Research shows that severe sleep apnea symptoms and untreated can be associated with serious diseases such as hypertension, stroke and heart disease.


Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder, such as excessive drowsiness during the day. The symptoms can occur anywhere, even in the workplace. This condition is often referred to as a sleep attack. Narcolepsy is thought to be a result of disturbances in the central nervous system (brain) that can affect the body's normal sleep cycle.


This type of sleep disorder is a sleep disorder in a person's behavior, thereby disrupting the rhythm of sleep. Symptoms commonly is sleepwalking, nightmares, delirium, and so forth. Parasomnia symptoms usually occur in NREM sleep phase, and is more common in children aged 3-5 years. A child who is having a nightmare can wake up screaming, but can not explain the fear. This condition is actually more frightening for parents than the child, because of the confusion caused by the behavior of the child's bedroom.


Hypersomnia is mostly sleeping. Hypersomnia patients usually have time to sleep longer than others, and often sleep in the daytime. This condition can be caused by several things such as disorders of the nervous system or the body's metabolic system, but the exact cause is not known with certainty.

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