Sleep Disorder - Many Factors Can Cause Snoring

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Snoring is a common condition encountered in fact we may have. In some cases, snoring is considered very disturbing. Snoring is one of the sleep disorders. One clinical entity associated with sleep disorders snoring, which is most often found in the population is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), and the consequences of sleep disorders involves the risk of extreme drowsiness, industrial accidents, cognitive deficits, and lately a lot of research which connects this sleep disorder with heart disease.

Snoring is more common in men and in those with overweight. The situation is getting worse with age. Snoring is a condition where there is a blockage of air flow freely through the back of the mouth and nose area. This area of collapse / fall when the structure in this area collide in the respiratory tract and vibrate during breathing and then there was snoring.

Snoring in General Can Be Caused by Several Factors :

1. Anatomical abnormalities in the mouth
For example, because of the low soft palate, long and thick or enlarged tonsils or adenoids are able to inhibit the respiration. Just as if there elongation (elongation) of the uvula, the air flow can be obstructed and vibration increased. In women usually due to a small chin, overbite, or high palate.

2. Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol goes to all areas of the body and slow the brain's response, causing muscle relaxation even more than during a normal night's sleep. Alcohol also acts as a depressant. Muscle relaxation causes oropharyngeal collapse more easily lead to snoring. In addition, alcohol can induce obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in an individual who is not a snorer.
Alcohol also causes irritation of the respiratory tract and nasal congestion that increases airway resistance when breathing. Alcohol consumption affects every organ and system in the body. It can damage the heart and increase blood pressure. Alcohol also has a high caloric content, and people who are heavy drinkers are often overweight.

3. Smoking
Cigarette smoke irritates the lining of the nasal cavity and throat causing swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. If nasal congestion channel it will be difficult to breathe through the nose because the airflow decreases. The possibility of snoring increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day due to congestion will increase with each cigarette. Even passive smoking can occur, inflammation of the nose and throat, thereby increasing the risk of snoring. Children of parents who smoke are more likely to be affected be a snore than children of parents who are not smokers.

4. Allergies
Allergies and allergic rhinitis certain increase in the prevalence and currently affects between 10-25% of the population. The most common symptoms include: nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea, itching, postnasal drip and sneezing.
Sleep disorders not only cause daytime drowsiness and fatigue but can reduce labor productivity, increases the risk of accidents, and affect quality of life. Until now, it is not easy to prove a direct cause and effect relationship between sleep rhinitis and sleep disorders. However, a recent study by Fisher et al (2005) compared with control patients allergic rhinitis, find statistical evidence showed that daytime sleepiness and quality of life correlated with the severity of rhinosinusitis. This study also found that for people who suffer from allergic rhinitis when sleeping in the supine position (on the back), congestion in their nasal airway increases. This was particularly evident during the early hours of the morning, which affect their circadian rhythm and affect the quality of their sleep.
Allergic respiratory tract is the result of nasal hypersensitivity or hyperactivity. Lining of the nose and throat are swollen preventing proper breathing through the nose and airways are often worse at night. The symptoms are usually the same as allergic rhinitis and may have an adverse effect on the quality of life the same.
Known causes of allergic rhinitis and respiratory allergies include: particle dust, cigarette smoke (including passive smoking), feather pillows and bedding, house mite feces, pet hair, indoor plants and flowers, perfumes, some household cleaners and paint smell.

5. Obesity
Being overweight can affect the narrowness of the throat and contribute to the occurrence of air flow resistance.

6. Problems nose
Chronic nasal congestion and nasal septal deviation and deformity can cause a person to snore.

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