Constipation Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Prevention and Natural Treatment

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Constipation is a common digestive problem. Usually characterized by constipation or irregular bowel movements. In addition to people who suffer from constipation often experience movement in the intestines, knotted and stomach ache. People who experience constipation, bowel movements usually only 3 times a week or even less.

Constipation usually is only temporary. Lifestyle changes along with a proper diet, which contains a lot of fiber and nutrients were able to overcome.

To know more about about constipation, please read the following description, from the symptoms, causes and treatment.

Symptoms of Constipation

Signs and symptoms of constipation include:
  • Defecation less than three times a week
  • Difficult defecation
  • Excruciating abdominal pressure when the movement of the intestine
  • Feeling of blockage in the rectum
  • Feelings are not finished after defecation

Causes and Risk Factors

Normally feces in the human intestine, driven by the contraction of the intestinal muscles. In the large intestine and salt water to be reabsorbed because it is important for the body. But when the colon absorbs too much water, or large bowel muscle contractions slow the stool will be hard and dry so that the movement of the colon become too slow.

You may also experience constipation if the muscles that are used to move the bowel does not function properly. This problem is called anismus or dyssynergic defecation.

A number of factors that cause constipation include:
  • Lack of fluids or dehydration
  • Lack of fiber in the diet
  • Lack of physical activity (especially in the elderly)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Changes in lifestyle or routine, including pregnancy, aging and travel
  • Pain (is experiencing an illness)
  • Frequent use or misuse of laxatives
  • Certain diseases, such as stroke, diabetes, thyroid disease and Parkinson's disease
  • Problems in the colon and rectum, such as intestinal blockage or diverticulosis
  • Certain drugs
  • Hormonal disorders, like thyroid gland
  • Damage to the anal skin and hemorrhoids
  • The loss of salt levels in the body due to vomiting or diarrhea
  • Injury to the spinal cord, which can have an effect on the intestine.

In rare cases, constipation can be a sign that you are experiencing a serious medical condition, such as colon cancer, hormone disruption or interference with autoimmune. In children, constipation can indicate Hirschsprung's disease - conditions of nerve cell loss congenital.

Risk Factors

You are more likely to be constipated if:
  • Parents.
  • Sitting position continuously.
  • Staying in bed (when will the delivery).
  • Eat foods low in fiber.
  • Lack of fluids.
  • Use of certain medications, including sedatives, narcotics or certain medications to lower blood pressure.
  • Currently undergoing chemotheraphy.

Women more constipation than men and children more constipation than adults.

If you are pregnant, you may experience constipation because of hormonal changes. After delivery, the pressure in the intestine of the enlarged uterus can also cause constipation.

Prevention and Treatment

There is a saying that prevention is better than cure. And here's how to prevent constipation:
  • Eating foods rich in fiber
  • Limit foods low in fiber
  • Drink enough
  • routine exercise
  • Do not be put off when it wants to defecate
  • Try fiber supplements
  • Be careful in selecting a laxative

How to Treatment

If you've already experienced constipation, some traditional recipes can help you treat constipation.

1. Carrots

Carrots are known as food for healthy eyes, it also is able to treat constipation. The trick to take two carrots, then shredded and add 2 tablespoons of water and wring it out. Add a little salt, mix well and drink carrot juice is 2 times a day.

2. Fragrant pandan leaves

Pandan leaves are commonly used as a deodorizer dishes, can also be used as an alternative medicine for constipation. The trick, pandan leaves until finely ground, then add half a glass of water. Squeeze and take the water, then add a little salt and palm sugar. Drink this concoction after dinner.

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