STOP the Negative Self-Talk!

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I've been going through some challenging times lately, struggling with adrenal fatigue along with my Crohn's.  I'm exhausted every waking hour of every day, and it takes every ounce of energy to explore a natural healing process.  I'm at the end of month two of acupuncture and a supplement/herb plan of action that could take months to see real improvement.

Fast forward to my favorite guilty pleasure:  the reality tv show Amazing Race.  The show feeds my travel spirit and leaves me imagining one day maybe I will be the first Crohnie to run the race.  A girl can dream, right?

This season I am cheering on contestant "Soul Surfer" Bethany Hamilton.  Have you seen the Soul Surfer movie or heard her inspiring story?  Bethany lost her arm to a shark attack while surfing at the age of 13, and she has an amazing story of achieving over adversity, following her faith, and becoming a world class surfer.

This season, she has accepted all challenges with grace, confidence and optimism, yet I find myself acting like a protective defender:  "Bethany can't do that!"  "The show shouldn't have that obstacle."  "She can't make it!"

My husband turned to me this week during one of my protest and said, "Babe, she can do that.  She surfs massive waves with one arm.  She is stronger than you realize."

BAM.  I suddenly realized the negative talk reflecting my own insecurities and constant reel of negative self-talk.  It's so easy for Crohnies to succumb to the long list of what we can't do.  I fall victim to it every day.

I challenge us all to remember our own unique accomplishments.  To dwell on positivity and our incredible strength in the face of adversity.

I challenge us all to STOP the negative self-talk.

Tomorrow when I wake up exhausted, or struggle to get through the tasks of the day, I will look into the mirror with self-love.  When I face my bajillionth colonoscopy later this week, I will laugh at the prep.  I am so much stronger than I realize.  You are so much stronger than you ever thought possible.

Crohnies unite!

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