Nursing Care Plan for Cerebral Palsy

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  1. Assess the mother's pregnancy history
  2. Assess history of childbirth
  3. Identification of children who are at risk
  4. Assess the child irritable, difficulty in eating / swallowing, delayed development of normal children, the development of less movement, abnormal posture, lack of movement development, abnormal posture, persistent infant reflexes, ataxic, lack of muscle tone.
  5. Monitor response to child's play
  6. Assess intellectual functioning
  7. No muscle coordination when performing movement (loss of balance)
  8. Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticas)
  9. Difficulty chewing, swallowing and sucking, and difficulty speaking.
  10. body shaking
  11. Difficulty moving exactly like menulus or pressing a button.
  12. Children with cerebral palsy may have additional problems, including the following: seizures, problems with vision and hearing as well as in speaking, there are learning disabilities and behavioral disorders, mental retardation, problems related to respiratory problems, problems in defecation and waste little water, and there are re-shape abnormalities such as scoliosis.
  13. Past medical history: premature birth, and birth trauma.
  14. History of present illness: muscle weakness, mental retardation, severe disorders-hypotonia, Throwing / Suction eating, impaired speech / voice, visual and hearing.

Subjective data :
  1. Parents say that when pregnant mothers experienced tooplasmosis, their children's growth rather late.
  2. Parents say son can not walk seendiri, can not feed themselves, can not brush your teeth with help.
  3. Parents also say that children can not do the things kids his age do.
  4. Parents feel the burden of caring for their children and embarrassed by her condition. Parents worried about their future.

Objective data :
  1. Test results showed the body feel warm.
  2. Sweat a lot
  3. There are involuntary movements (not coordinated)
  4. posture opistotonik
  5. Children difficulty to eat
  6. Often ceguken, and irritabel.

Nursing Care Plan for Cerebral Palsy - Nursing Diagnosis
  1. Hypertermia
  2. Risk for injury
  3. Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements
  4. Impaired verbal communication
  5. Activity intolerance
  6. Delayed growth and development
  7. Knowledge deficit
  8. Ineffective breathing pattern

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