When I first heard of Uceris, it reminded me of the drug Entocort. Both treatments are very similar - same active ingredient and both are time-released. The only difference is that Uceris is released in the colon vs Entocort, which is released in the small intestine. That explains why Entocort wasn't effective when I tried it years ago. Most of my inflammation at that time was located in the large intestine and part of the small intestine (terminal ileum - the last area of the small intestine connecting to the large intestine).
People with Ulcerative Colitis experience inflammation specific to the large intestine/colon.
Hopefully this medication will help with healing the lowest part of my colon - the most difficult area to heal from what I have read. Maybe this could be an option that some of you may want to try as a safer treatment option .
$25 Co-pay Program | UCERIS (budesonide) Extended Release Tablets: - Manufacturer offer*
http://www.internetdrugcoupons.com/Uceris-Coupon *This site gives people with no drug coverage an option to save. The manufacturer does not have an offer for cash paying individuals (I have no idea why. Makes no sense when these would be the people that would need the most help paying for medication).
https://www.pparx.org/ The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need through the program that is right for them. Many will get their medications free or nearly free.
http://www.needymeds.org/ NeedyMeds is a 501(c)(3) non-profit information resource devoted to helping people in need find assistance programs to help them afford their medications and costs related to health care.
http://healthfinder.gov/FindServices/SearchContext.aspx?topic=696 US Dept of Health Resource Page
People with Ulcerative Colitis experience inflammation specific to the large intestine/colon.
Hopefully this medication will help with healing the lowest part of my colon - the most difficult area to heal from what I have read. Maybe this could be an option that some of you may want to try as a safer treatment option .
- IMPORTANT NOTE TO MENTION - This form of steroid does not produce the horrible side-effects that come with oral prednisone (aka - satans tic-tacs). We all know what those side effects are if we have ever taken prednisone. Due to the time-release of the drug at it's target location, very little of the medication is released into the bloodstream. This is a very good thing!!
What it says about Uceris @ www.uceris.com
UCERIS (u-SAIR-us) is a medicine used to treat active, mild to moderate ulcerative colitis (UC). It's for people experiencing UC symptoms or a flare-up who are trying to reach remission, a period of time without symptoms.
UCERIS is a different kind of steroid designed specifically to treat UC. It decreases inflammation throughout the colon with a targeted delivery of medicine throughout the full length of the colon, where the disease is located.
Because of the way UCERIS is absorbed and processed in the body, most of it does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore it has a safety profile similar to placebo (sugar pill). UCERIS also helps heal the lining of the colon. UCERIS decreases the severity of inflammation in the colon, thereby helping to eliminate UC symptoms.
UCERIS is a single pill taken once a day by mouth for up to 8 weeks. Additional 8-week courses can be given for patients whose UC remains active. What happens after taking UCERIS? Unlike typical steroids, which act on the whole body, UCERIS targets the area where the disease is located. The medicine travels through the digestive system and stays intact until it reaches the colon. Once it dissolves, UCERIS forms a type of gel and slowly releases medicine to the full length of the colon.

Ok, so I just filled my prescription of Uceris and it's a pretty expensive drug for the time being (too new for a generic form to be available). People with GI conditions and autoimmune disorders spend a lot of money on maintaining their health, from doctor co-pays to specialty food to the various medications one must take. The monthly cost of this disease can be devastating. I wanted to share the different savings offers that are available for qualified individuals.
- Here is the list - Please note: I have not checked SCBN.org or goodrx.com about the offers. I just did the searching and posting for you. Offers status at this time on specific drug is unknown, as i didn't read each sites qualifying info andterms of offer.
$25 Co-pay Program | UCERIS (budesonide) Extended Release Tablets: - Manufacturer offer*
http://www.internetdrugcoupons.com/Uceris-Coupon *This site gives people with no drug coverage an option to save. The manufacturer does not have an offer for cash paying individuals (I have no idea why. Makes no sense when these would be the people that would need the most help paying for medication).
https://www.pparx.org/ The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need through the program that is right for them. Many will get their medications free or nearly free.
http://www.needymeds.org/ NeedyMeds is a 501(c)(3) non-profit information resource devoted to helping people in need find assistance programs to help them afford their medications and costs related to health care.
http://healthfinder.gov/FindServices/SearchContext.aspx?topic=696 US Dept of Health Resource Page