Feeling Better But Not Great (Taking Humira Every Week)

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My dosage on Humira increased from every other week to every week on June 14, 2013. So really it has only been a few weeks since I took Humira. After the fecal transplant I have overall felt better (more energy, not dehydrated, and I seem to have gained a few pounds which is good). My own personal theory is since I have had diarrhea since January 6, 2013 my colon and body has been through a lot. So I would expect it to take some time given how much I have been through. I really hope the Humira works. In my mind I wonder what the next step is if Humira doesn't work. I would think my GI would want to try a small dose of Prednisone and if that didn't work Remicade. I have also heard about 6MP which seems to work well in the long-run. I plan to call my GI tomorrow and let him know how things are going.

I honestly don't feel as bad as when I had my flare up last year. I did some research via my GI Buddy App on my IPhone. My pain level was about 4 times as worse as it currently is however my bowel movements were only around 2-3 per day and they were solid. Also last year I was also vomiting which was pretty bad and had a constant pain in my stomach.

2013 might be the year of the flare up. I know Crohn's is something I will live with for the rest of my life. Hopefully through this blog I can spread knowledge and awareness and hopefully in the future uses more of my time and resources to help find a cure for this horrible disease.

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