Getting out and staying out of the big black hole of depression.

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Hi Crohn’s friends. i know how easy it can be to slip into the deep dark hole we sometimes live in. i find myself shutting out the world, curling up on my couch in my jammies and just "not living". Its so easy to get into the trap, yet so very hard to get back out. Here are a few things that I do, so that I will stay out of the hole/trap.
When i feel an anxiety attack coming on, the first instant i feel it coming.... i distract myself by getting up / moving from the place I’m in. And doing an activity, whether it be going on the computer, washing the dishes, putting away laundry, clean the bathroom. whatever it takes to get your mind somewhere else. Phoning a friend or loved one works too. Or find a recipe online and cook. If you are in the car, play with the radio, go through the glove box (if you are a passenger). if you are the driver, pull over somewhere and just walk a minute.
If its more of a mood that you need to get out of rather than an anxiety attack, look for things that interest you. do some crafts, make a CD, paint a picture, take your camera to the park and take pictures of flowers. Small steps first. After a while you may want to join a class. Go to yoga, an art class, a garden club, a book club, aqua fit, even a walking group. Try and leave your home at least once a day. Give yourself 1 day a week in the beginning where you don’t have to do anything.
I call this the "maintenance part" basically you need to maintain yourself, so that you don’t find yourself slipping into the hole. to do this try some of these tricks........
When you go grocery shopping, purposefully forget to buy something you know that you will need in the next couple of days. That way you will have a reason to leave the house to go and get it. Try rewarding yourself for leaving the house. Even if its just something small. I used to walk to the dollar store and get myself a small treat like a candle, new paints, hair clip. Most of us crohnnie’s are strapped financially, so a small reward will do. Base your rewards on what you can afford. Know where all the bathrooms are on the way there and back so you will not have any excuse not too go.
Doing good things for others can really bring your spirits up too. Call your local crohn’s and colitis foundation or find them online and see what events are coming up. You will be surprised at how many amazing people you will meet who are just like you. If you are into reading, walk to the library and get a book. Try volunteering in your community. Even just ask an elderly neighbour if you can pick something up at the store for them while you are out. these small acts of kindness will make you feel great because you are helping someone else. You could volunteer to watch a friends children while he/she gets some errands done, or just has some me time. They will be so very thankful and it will make you feel good.
If you are finding you cannot "get out of the hole", you are still depressed and or having anxiety, please speak with your doctor.  There is no shame in asking for help.  Sometimes medication is needed and other times its not.  Please speak up and know that you are not alone!  Depression is common with Crohn's and Colitis, as well as other chronic illnesses.
These are some of the things that i do to make myself feel better and stay better.
Of course you are going to still have those days where you just feel blah, and like doing nothing at all. This is perfectly fine and healthy. Sometimes the best medicine, is your couch, your jammies and some trash TV. Its just not healthy all the time. So get out there. Enjoy yourself, you deserve it, you deserve to feel well and do fun things.
Sara aka: Crohn’s Chef.

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