I've thought for a while that TNF blockers and other immunosuppressive drugs may actually be counterproductive in the long-run in treating Crohn's Disease and IBD. The point of TNF-alpha in the immune system is to promote the fight against tumors (TNF = tumor necrosis factor). What happens if you suppress that immune response? Your body may be missing tumors that it should be fighting. A recent
article prompted me to take a look at the FDA warnings for TNF-alpha blockers. Apparently, the FDA started requiring cancer warnings on TNF blockers back in August of 2009 -- here's the
FDA press release. I think dozens of cancer cases in children taking TNF-blockers prompted the FDA to add the box warning.
I definitely see the value of these drugs in the short-term to help get the inflammation under control, but long-term use doesn't seem like a solution. (Hence why I'm avoiding them!)