Celgene PDA-001 Stem Cell Therapy is Safe Treatment for Crohn's Disease

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According to Business Week, Celgene Corp. reported a successful safety trial of a placenta-derived stem cell therapy as a treatment for Crohn's disease. Celgene said the early stage trial showed PDA-001 is safe. It also showed signs of effectiveness, and Celgene is planning to begin studying the therapy as a treatment for several other diseases.

The study involved 12 patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease who had not been helped by at least one previous treatment. They were given two infusions of Celgene's PDA-001 at one week apart, at one of two doses. Celgene said PDA-001 is derived from normal, full-term human placental tissue. The treatment is being studied by the company's Celgene Cellular Therapeutics unit.

Crohn's disease is marked by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost 1 million people in the U.S. suffer from the disease, according to Celgene.

Anyone involved in the Celegene study for Crohn's?

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