I'm Sorry!

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I have TOTALLY neglected my blog!!!! I've been focusing on the Support/Social Network http://crohnsdiseasesupport.ning.com/ which is growing WONDERFULLY! I am extremely excited at how it is progressing.

ANYWAYS....Crohn's wise I've had a REALLY good week. The Humira is definitely kicking in again, and my symptoms have gone from intolerable to tolerable! I've actually been able to get out of the house to run errands, visit friends!..I even CLEANED MY HOUSE! Haven't felt good enough to do a proper clean in awhile. Had my weekly check up with my GI yesterday 10.1.09. She is very happy with everything, blood work looks good.

I am pretty worn out right now, been running around again today. I am going to be kind to my body and take a nap. Thank you to everyone who is supportive and helping spread awareness for Crohn's Disease AND http://crohnsdiseasesupport.ning.com/


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