I'm back!

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To everyone following my blog, first off THANK YOU! Second, I'm sorry I've been neglecting. I've been putting most of my focus into The Crohn's Disease Support Network (CDSN), and haven't had a chance to blog.

Things have been alright for the most part. Restarted Humira 2 weeks ago. Last week was great. On Sat Oct 3rd went to a TINY amusement park with my 5yr old nephew, my father and his girlfriend. Had a wonderful time, bonding with him and riding the rides.

Crohn's wise, the Humira has decreased my nausea and pain, but my appetite has become zilch. There are days where I will just plain forget to eat. Thanks to wonderful friends, I'll get a reminder..but some days I will never get hungry. It's my bodies defense mechanism. It knows ingesting food can cause symptoms to worsen. This is a big thing with Crohn's patients. Between nausea lack of appetiy e and malnourishment - I can blink and lose 2lbs. The doctor had me change from Ensure to Ensure PLUS to help maintain healthy weight. It is also CHALK FULL of nutrients I can't ingest any other way.

Thanks to everyone who is continuing to follow my journey with Crohn's, and supporting the CDSN! I am truly amazed and humbled that in just two weeks almost 100 members on CDSN. Keep spreading the word!

Hope everyone has a banging healthy weekend!


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