Crohn's Sufferers - Did You Use Accutane?

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Thankfully most of my skin problems were a result of Crohn's (THANKS PREDNISONE!), but if you have Crohn's, it could be because you used Accutane. Which also means you could be getting paid large!

Ennis & Ennis, P.A. announces today it is still investigating and accepting Accutane cases against the manufacturer of the drug Hoffman La-Roche. David Ennis states, "although Hoffman La-Roche announced in June 2009 that it will no longer sell Accutane due to generic competition and large legal costs defending the drug this does not absolve La-Roche from liability from patients who took the drug in the past and have suffered Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease". Ennis went on to state 6 juries in New Jersey have ruled in favor of plaintiffs in excess of $33,000,000 in damages finding that the company did not adequately warn of the side effects associated with IBD, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease. Ennis believes that there are thousands of patients who suffered from these side effects and are not aware it was due to Accutane use.

Ennis & Ennis, P.A. is also investigating and accepting cases against the generic manufacturers of Isotretinoin which is the generic name for Accutane. The generic versions of the drug are Sotret, Claravis and Amnesteem. Ennis states, "The generic drug makers have the same duty to warn as La-Roche, but they have chosen to use the same label as La-Roche which is a head in the sand approach. It is amazing to me that based on the court findings and evidence presented at trial which is now in the public domain the FDA has not stepped in to require a Black Box warning."

Ennis & Ennis, P.A. has been accepting and investigating Accutane cases since 2003. Ennis & Ennis, P.A. continues to offer free legal consultations to all users of Accutane and Isotretinoin that may have developed IBD, Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease. Potential victims can call toll-free 1-800-856-6405 or go to or and fill out a free online case evaluation form.

Ennis & Ennis, P.A. is a nationwide law firm with offices in Ft. Lauderdale, Miami and Washington D.C. Ennis & Ennis, P.A. specializes in mass torts and represents individuals against pharmaceutical companies worldwide as well as medical device makers.

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